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Archaeological Site 41HY261

The Spring Lake Data Recovery Project was funded by the City of San Marcos (City) and designed as an off-site mitigation project for impacts made to archaeological site 41HY261.

Improvements by the City to storm water runoff culverts associated with the City’s Rio Vista Terrace Neighborhood Infrastructure Project adversely affected a portion of Site 41HY261. Because the storm water runoff culverts discharge into waters of the United States, the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has oversight, which triggered compliance with Section 106 of National Historic Preservation Act. The infrastructure improvements also occurred on City property, which triggered compliance with the Antiquities Code of Texas. Based on available information, Site 41HY261 is eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places and as a State Antiquities Landmark.

Click a project below to see what was learned about this significant site.

photo of archaeologists screening dirt

CAS Archaeologists David Yelacic and Amy Reid screening for artifacts on site.

Archaeological Monitoring of the Installation of a Storm Water Outflow and Water Line Along Cheatham Street

Archaeological Monitoring at 41HY261 for the Riverside Drive Reconstruction Project