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What Did We Find?

By studying artifacts, archaeologists are able to gain valuable information about the chronology and culture history, technology and subsistence-related behaviors, geoarchaeology, site formation and past environments at the Spring Lake site and how this information relates or compares to other archaeological sites in the Central Texas region. In particular, our 2014 excavations focused on learning more about the Calf Creek Horizon at Spring Lake.. Our excavations also unearthed cultural features, including an intact cooking feature that has been the subject of a variety of studies.

Browse through the various artifact categories and special studies to discover more about these fascinating finds.  

How do archaeologists know how old a site is?

The chronology of a site -- how it is situated in time --  is one of the most important parts of the analysis of an archaeological collection. It is also one of the most complicated. Because of the many changes a site can go through during its formation, it's not enough to find one or two artifacts that are temporally diagnosticArchaeologists rely upon many different lines of evidence to assign time periods. 

For more information about how this information is used in the analysis of the Spring Lake Data Recovery collection, click the image below.